Weinviertel food pyramid

The product world of Weinviertel is highly diverse – you can cook your daily meals exclusively with Weinviertel products. The Weinviertel food pyramid offers a good overview!

Weinviertler Ernährungspyramide mit Beschriftung_LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost
Weinviertler Ernährungspyramide mit Beschriftung_LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost

What is the Weinviertel food pyramid?

The Weinviertel food pyramid was based on the Austrian food pyramid. The diversity of Weinviertel products and producers makes it possible for the food pyramid to be designed with regional culinary delights. Freshness, regionality and seasonality are in the foreground – along with health aspects of the food items.



How is the Weinviertel food pyramid structured?

The pyramid consists of six food groups and one beverage group. The further down a food is found, the more of it should be consumed or the more frequently it should be part of recipes. Food items from the lower four groups should be consumed daily and abundantly, while the items from the upper three groups should be savoured less frequently.



Your personal Weinviertel food pyramid

To be able to integrate the Weinviertel food pyramid into everyday life, we have put together a table display for children and for adults. Simply print out the A3-format cut-out sheet, cut it out, glue it together and your personal Weinviertel food pyramid is ready.



Die Österreichische Ernährungspyramide_Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz

The Austrian Food Pyramid

Would you like more information on the Austrian food pyramid? This way... Learn more
Bastelbogen_LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost

Integrate the Weinviertel food pyramid into your daily routine

Use the Weinviertel food pyramid as a table display to put together your meals in a healthy and regional way. Learn more
Bastelbogen für Kinder_LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost

The Weinviertel food pyramid cut-out sheet for children

A special cut-out sheet is available for children – with the aim of raising awareness for regional products. Learn more
Polenta Taler_LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost

Eating regionally made easy

You think eating locally is expensive and time-consuming? Think again! We show you how you can easily integrate regional ingredients into your diet. Learn more